Saturday, March 15, 2025 at 14:30 on Embassy of Russia (Rua Visconde de Santarém 71, Lisboa) there will be a 🙋 102th Weekly protest
Civil society initiatives in various countries
We have compiled a far from complete list of civil society initiatives in different countries that help fight dictatorships, as well as the problems that these dictatorships create for people.
Not all of these initiatives are supported by each of us. But it is good that there are many initiatives, and everyone can choose those that are closer to them in terms of views and goals of activity.
We try to select interesting and really working projects. Unfortunately, we do not have the opportunity to thoroughly check all the initiatives for integrity.
Dissemination of information
Anti-war calendar Takt
Russia, Dissemination of information
Help disseminate information about anti-war, anti-dictatorship events.
Voice of Free Russia
Russia, Dissemination of information
An international association of local activist groups of Russians located in different cities around the world, with a representative body.
Real Russia
Russia, Dissemination of information
They talk about social, cultural and scientific initiatives of the Russian-speaking diaspora around the world and how to take part in them.
World Liberty Congress
International, Dissemination of information
Connect freedom fighters around the world.
Provea – Venezuela Program Education-Action on Human Rights
Venezuela, Dissemination of information
Documenting cases of human rights violations in Venezuela, helping to legally protect human rights, teaching various aspects of human rights, helping to disseminate legislation on the protection of human rights.
Russian America for Democracy in Russia
Russia, Dissemination of information
Union of Russians in the USA who advocate freedom and democracy in Russia, and against the war in Ukraine. Protests, investigations, communication with US government agencies, fundraising for Ukraine, anti-propaganda.
Platform of anti-war initiatives
Russia, Dissemination of information
An open, horizontal network of anti-war, human rights, humanitarian, educational, cultural, decolonial, LGBTQ+, feminist and research initiatives and organizations, independent media, activists, journalists inside and outside Russia who oppose Russia's war with Ukraine and for democracy in Russia.
Russians against war
Russia, Dissemination of information
The Ark has collected initiatives involving Russians against the war and projects to help its victims in one place so that anyone can join the common cause.
Russian Democratic Society in Serbia
Russia, Dissemination of information
Rusko demokratsko društvo / Russian Democratic Society helps fight Putin's propaganda in Serbia, supports Ukraine and political prisoners.
Map of election violations
Russia, Dissemination of information
The movement in defense of voters' rights "Golos" has opened a "Map of Electoral Violations", which collects and publishes information about possible violations of the electoral law in the elections in Russia.
Cuba Decide
Cuba, Dissemination of information
Cuba should become a home for all Cubans. Cuba should become a land where we can fight for the realization of our dreams. A nation that opens its doors to the whole world, where no one is persecuted or exiled for their beliefs.
Voices in Korea
Russia, Dissemination of information
We are a group of Russians in South Korea who oppose the fascist regime and the atrocities of Vladimir Putin. We support freedom and democracy.
Russia, Dissemination of information
RosKomSvoboda is the first Russian public organization working in the field of digital rights protection and digital empowerment.
Movement of conscientious objectors to military service
Russia, Dissemination of information
Our main goal is to provide legal and psychological support to conscientious objectors. In addition, we protect various public interests, including the end of compulsory military service, countering militarization, and combating homophobia and transphobia.
Map forced disappearances in Ukraine
Ukraine, Dissemination of information
The Center for Civil Liberties, together with the Euromaidan SOS initiative, created a Map of Enforced Disappearances of Human Rights Defenders, Journalists, Activists and Representatives of Local Governments. Human rights defenders have also developed instructions for relatives of civilian hostages. A service that will help support all known political prisoners and those persecuted for political reasons. Our goal is to write at least five letters to each of them.
Ukraine, Charity
Medical and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Ukrainian-Polish project.
At the same time
Russia, Charity
OVD-Info project. This is a mutual aid platform where you can directly support OVD-Info clients. You donate money directly to a person's card. You can find other OVD-Info clients who need your support on the website "Zaodno".
WFU Let's return heat and light to Ukraine!
Russia, Charity
Help for Ukraine with generators, warm clothes and medicine. The fund is located in Poland.
Food certificates in Hungary
Russia, Charity
Help with food certificates for refugees from Ukraine who are currently outside Budapest.
Volunteers Tbilisi
Russia, Charity
"Volunteers Tbilisi" helps to obtain humanitarian aid, medicine, medical care, temporary housing and information.
Ukraine, Charity
First aid kits for the front. The first aid kit provides emergency assistance for the two main causes of death on the battlefield: severe bleeding and respiratory failure. Each military first aid kit from VSU increases the survival rate of soldiers many times over.
Russia, Charity
A project of assistance from the "Sluzhba Podderzhki", "Meduza" and "Dozhd". Its goal is to provide a constant flow of assistance to residents of Ukraine who have suffered from Russian aggression.
First flight
Russia, Education
Educational projects in the field of politics, feminism, denuclearization, and uniting volunteers into groups to develop legislation for the new Russia.
Help to leave
Russia, Help to leave
Co-living and emigration consultations for those forced to leave because of the Putin regime.
Go to the forest
Russia, Help to leave
Their goal is to help the maximum number of people avoid participating in the war: evade conscription, leave the country, find shelter, etc.
Vyvozhuk: travelers' club
Russia, Help to leave
Removal of those who are going to be arrested for disagreeing with the regime.
Rubikus.helpUA (Rubikus)
International, Help to leave
A team of volunteers that helps Ukrainians fleeing war find shelter in European countries
Ça va
International, Help to leave
"Ça va" is an association founded to help LGBTQ+ people from Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA), who experience discrimination in their country of origin, settle down and live a happy and fulfilling life in France, where their rights are respected.
Bring Kids Back UA
Netherlands, Help to leave
Orphans Feeding Foundation and its founder Mariam Lambert have already returned 36 Ukrainian children home in the 2 years of this program and continue to do so.
Force resistance
Civil Council
Russia, Force resistance
Help volunteers join the Foreign Legion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Siberia Battalion), collaborate with the PTSD Med Team medical service, deal with issues of transitional justice and self-determination of peoples.
PTSD Med Team
Ukraine, Force resistance
Medical service operating along the entire front line makes every effort to preserve the health and lives of Ukrainian residents, evacuating and treating the wounded, as well as working with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Freedom birds for Ukraine
Russia, Force resistance
A global community of pro-democratic and anti-war Russians is organizing fundraisers to help Ukraine's heroic resistance to Russian aggression.
Political prisoners
Support for political prisoners. Memorial
Russia, Political prisoners
An independent human rights project that collects, studies and systematizes information on illegal criminal prosecutions for political reasons, and provides assistance to victims of such prosecutions.
Foro Penal
Venezuela, Political prisoners
A civil association, including a team of lawyers, volunteers and activists, which appeared in response to state repression against those who oppose state policy.
Latinoamérica Sin Presos Políticos
Latin America, Political prisoners
A union of initiatives from Latin American countries with the largest number of political prisoners in the region: Be Human from Nicaragua, Justicia, Encuentro y Perdón from Venezuela and Cuba Decide, as well as relatives of political prisoners for humane treatment and the release of political prisoners.
Human rights center "Vesna"
Belarus, Political prisoners
List of political prisoners in Belarus with addresses where you can write
Political prisoner is my friend
Belarus, Political prisoners
Platform for supporting political prisoners in Belarus: fundraising, information, letters to political prisoners.
You are not alone
Russia, Political prisoners
An indefinite marathon in support of political prisoners. They help people in Russia who have ended up in places of detention for political cases, and their families. Money is needed for a variety of things: food, medicine, the work of lawyers, trips to visits. In some cases, "former" political prisoners can also apply for assistance. In addition, one-time assistance can be provided to those who have faced persecution and were forced to flee the country.
Russia, Political prisoners
A service that will help support all known political prisoners and those persecuted for political reasons. Our goal is to write at least five letters to each of them.
Bypassing blockages
Amnezia VPN
Russia, Bypassing blockages
VPN that works when popular VPN protocols are banned in Iran and China.
Greenhouse of social technologies
Russia, Bypassing blockages
An independent educational and development project whose mission is to strengthen Russian civil society with the help of information technology.
Delta Chat
International, Bypassing blockages
Chat based on the SMTP and IMAP protocols (used for email), working under blocking conditions
Webxdc – web apps in Delta Chat
International, Bypassing blockages
Internet access during a shutdown using this extension to Delta Chat. Used in Cuba as a cheaper way to access the Internet
PANDA platform
International, Art
An interdisciplinary platform for art, politics and culture, helping immigrants and refugees integrate into the cultural environment, organizing discussions on issues related to the Eastern European community, the LGBT community, repressions in Russia and Belarus, as well as Russia's military aggression against Ukraine.
Art Milan
Russia, Art
The Community of Free Russians in Italy (Comunità dei Russi Liberi) helps Ukrainian families in Milan and other cities. We believe it is important to give children and their parents who arrived in Italy after the invasion of Ukraine the opportunity to get acquainted with the history, culture, and art of this country, including free excursions.
Ded Arkhimed
Russia, Art
Funny, satirical songs about events happening in Russia and the world. Grandfather Archimedes is a satirical blogger. I try to make videos that are very simple in form and deep in content.
Media partisans
Russia, Art
The cops have an order: anyone who unfurls a poster will be jailed. Therefore, we are for anonymous protest. Media partisans are the same guys as you. Our work can be found on the streets of many Russian cities. Send us your work, and we will distribute it.
Dialogue with society
After Russia
Russia, Dialogue with society
Without being soldiers or activists, we believe that one of the main reasons lies in culture and society. Regardless of how and under what conditions Russia loses this war, it is time to think about its future. We want to strengthen and unite those who oppose the war, understand the past, present and find a possible future for Russia, build bridges between the liberal Russian opposition and those who are ready to listen to it.
MOST bot
Russia, Dialogue with society
Telegram bot for gentle conversations with loved ones who are exposed to Russian propaganda.
Dissemination information
Center for humanitarian rights in Iran
Iran, Dissemination information
Our staff collaborates with a large team of independent investigators, civil society activists, and human rights defenders in Iran, which allows CHRI to report and document in real time the human rights situation on the ground in Iran.
Iskra - Priemochnaya
Russia, Advocacy
Automated database for searching existing cases on problems with opening accounts and possible solutions.
Nuremberg Trials-2.0
Russia, Sanctions
The main goal of the Nuremberg 2.0 project is to collect, consolidate and unify information about those who publicly called for war in Ukraine, for their subsequent trial in the Russian Federation. We also want to warn governments of civilized countries against cooperation with these people and take into account their position regarding Ukraine when deciding whether to grant them a residence permit or permission to do business in their countries.