February 24, 2025 at 17:00 on Padaria do povo (Rua Luís Derouet 20A, Lisboa) there will be a 🖼 NET VOINE Collective Art Exhibition
Shelling of residential buildings in Ukraine. The offensive of Russian propaganda. The bill on “foreign agents” in Georgia.
Bombardeamento de edifícios residenciais na Ucrânia. Ofensiva de propaganda russa. Projeto de lei sobre os "agentes estrangeiros" na Geórgia.
Está a ver as notícias da manifestação semanal em frente à Embaixada da Rússia em Lisboa. Hoje, 20 de abril, 14:30.
A cidade ucraniana de Dnipro está hoje de luto. Um ataque russo matou oito pessoas, incluindo duas crianças, e 34 pessoas ficaram feridas.
Chernihiv esteve de luto há dois dias. Três mísseis russos atingiram uma zona densamente povoada perto do centro da cidade. O relatorio datado do 17 de abril reporta 17 vitimas mortais e 61 feridos. O Presidente ucraniano Volodymyr Zelensky escreveu no seu Canal Telegrama que: "... Isto não teria acontecido se a Ucrânia tivesse recebido defesa aérea suficiente..."
Recorde-se que, em fevereiro, numa entrevista ao canal de televisão Zvezda, o Capitão de 1ª classe do exército russo Igor Krokhmal descreveu a forma como os mísseis visam e atingem com sucesso as entradas de edifícios residenciais.
www.golosameriki.com/a/europe-didn-t-ban-rt-for-telling-the-truth/7193795.html No dia 6 de abril, teve lugar em Roma uma ação contra a propaganda russa organizada pela Associação Cristã de Ucranianos em Itália, onde foi exibido o filme "Donbass: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow", produzido pelo canal de propaganda RT. Nesta ação participaram mulheres do Donbass, activistas da comunidade "Russos contra a guerra", assim como partidos italianos.
As projecções dos filmes como "Donbass", "Witness" e as conferências com a participação de pessoas como Dugin e outros... são armas da guerra híbrida que o Kremlin usa não só contra a Ucrânia, mas contra todo o Ocidente". - afirmaram os manifestantes.
O crítico de cinema Ivan Filippov chamou ao filme "Witness" pura propaganda numa entrevista à publicação "Real Time". O filme difunde "a narrativa de que a Ucrânia ia atacar primeiro".
www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ocgS3rbqnE A primeira versão da legislação sobre agentes estrangeiros na Rússia foi publicada em 2012. Na altura, para muitos, parecia que não os afectava. Depois, a lei começou a criar dificuldades no trabalho dos media.
meduza.io/feature/2022/07/20/10-let-nazad-v-rossii-prinyali-pervyy-zakon-ob-inostrannyh-agentah O primeiro processo penal ao abrigo desta lei surgiu em 2023.
www.bbc.com/russian/news-64560653 Em 2024, os "agentes estrangeiros" foram proibidos de comprar publicidade e muitas publicações começaram a falar em encerrar.
www.dw.com/ru/gosduma-rf-ostavila-inostrannyh-agentov-bez-reklamy/a-68415292 O TEDH reconheceu que a lei sobre "agentes estrangeiros" violava os direitos à liberdade de reunião e de associação.
E uma boa notícia: a PACE anunciou que não reconhece a legitimidade de Vladimir Putin e apelou a cessar todos os contactos com ele, exceto os humanitários.
Shelling of residential buildings in Ukraine. The offensive of Russian propaganda. The bill on “foreign agents” in Georgia.
You are watching news from the weekly rally at the Russian Embassy in Lisbon. Today is April 20, 14:30.
Today there is mourning in the Dnepropetrovsk region. As a result of the Russian attack on the night of April 19, 8 people were killed, including two children, and 34 people were injured.
There was mourning in Chernigov 2 days ago. 3 Russian missiles hit a densely populated area near the city center. As of April 18, 18 people were killed and another 77 people were injured. President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky wrote in his Telegram that “this would not have happened if Ukraine had received enough air defense.”
Let us recall that in February, Captain 1st Rank of the Russian Army Igor Krokhmal, in an interview with the Zvezda TV channel, told how they aim and successfully hit the entrances of residential buildings in Ukraine.
Propaganda attacks have also intensified. In February 2023, disinformation tracking site NewsGuard reported that alleged RT documentaries had been uploaded to more than 100 YouTube channels. These films contained patently false claims that Ukrainian authorities were committing “genocide” against Russian speakers in the Donbass and that “Nazism was rampant” in Ukrainian politics and society.
On April 6, in Rome, where there were screenings of the film “Donbass: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”, created by the propaganda channel RT, an action against Russian propaganda was held, organized by the Christian Association of Ukrainians in Italy. It was attended by women from Donbass, activists of the Russians Against War community, and Italian parties.
“Screenings of the films ‘Donbass’, ‘Witness’, conferences with the participation of Dugin and similar people... are weapons of the Kremlin’s hybrid war not only against Ukraine, but against the entire West,” the protesters said.t.me/FreeRussiansGlobal/6345 Film critic Ivan Filippov, in an interview for the Present Time media, described the film “Witness” as pure propaganda. According to him, the film spreads “the narrative that Ukraine was going to attack first.”
www.currenttime.tv/a/eto-filmy-ne-dlya-zarabotka-s-prokata-kinokritik-ivan-filippov-obyasnyaet-kto-i-pochem-delaet-kinopropagandu-rossii-o-voyne- v-ukraine/32547182.html On April 17, the Georgian parliament voted in the first reading for the bill on “foreign agents.” It was introduced by the Georgian Dream party, which is accused of sympathizing with Russia.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ocgS3rbqnE The first version of the law on “foreign agents” in Russia appeared in 2012. Then it seemed to many that it would not affect them.
meduza.io/feature/2022/07/20/10-let-nazad-v-rossii-prinyali-pervyy-zakon-ob-inostrannyh-agentah The first criminal case under this law appeared in 2023.
www.bbc.com/russian/news-64560653 The ECHR found the law on “foreign agents” to violate the rights to freedom of assembly and association.
pravo.ru/news/241304/ And the good news: PACE announced the non-recognition of the legitimacy of Vladimir Putin as President of the Russian Federation and called for stopping contacts with him, except for humanitarian ones.